Our Partners

Our Partners

Collaboration is the key principle of our company. We collaborate with schools, psychologists, medical health practitioners, and HCI specialists to go further together and build an inclusive future for children with special needs. Our partners help us in conducting research and developing resources for special children. They engage in our campaigns and programs and advocate for a system change for a better future for special children.

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Why we

Why we

Our goals require strong support from schools, medical and mental health practitioners, and parents. Currently, Edsistive is working with 3 mainstream schools and 1 special school. These partnerships are the best way to extend our mutual goals to a larger population and work collectively toward an inclusive future for special children.

We believe education is a collective effort and we are proud to work with our partners. Together we can improve the present and future of the special children.

Who we work with

Mainstream Schools

Mainstream Schools help us in conducting research to build the necessary tools for neurodivergent children. Training for teachers targeted at identifying and teaching children with special needs is also conducted at these schools.

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Special Schools

Special Schools educate and train children with special needs. These schools help us in our research projects and in implementing our digital products to cater to the needs of special children.

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